Print & Copyright Policies & Permissions
I understand images from my session are property of Russtanna Photography. These images may be used in promotion for Russtanna Photography; this includes but is not limited to image contests, displays and advertising.
Social Media Permissions:
Any files shared by Russtanna Photography on the Russtanna Photography social medias sources are allowed to be shared electronically. If you receive a webshare disc with a print purchase, you will be allowed to share these images electronically. Webshare discs do not include a release to print and are subject to the same copyright agreements and protections stated in the Electronic Image Files and Print Products paragraphs.
Electronic Image Files:
I understand any images or preview files are fully copyright protected and may not be altered or printed by myself or anyone I share the files with. I accept full responsibility for these policies including my responsibility of payment for images, prints, damages, fines, and costs of recovery resulting from the misuse and / or violation of these policies.
Print Products:
I understand the professional print images are fully copyrighted and may not be duplicated in any way without permission from Russtanna Photography. This includes scanning, photo-copy, taking a picture of the image for duplication, or any other form of duplication. I accept full responsibility for these policies including my responsibility for payment for images, prints, damages, fines, and costs of recovery resulting from the misuse and / or violation of these policies.